The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is a worldwide common format for sharing public transportation schedules and associated geographic information.
GTFS datasets, or “feeds,” allow public transit agencies to publish their transit data in a standardized way. A GTFS feed is presented as a series of text files with comma-separated values that conform to the specification. Each file is essentially a table in the relational database that is the whole package.
TERMS & GUIDELINES FOR USE OF GTFS DATA: (1) GTFS data is provided without warranties; (2) no availability guarantees are expressed or implied; (3) the Muskegon Area Transit System (MATS) retains full rights to the data; (4) MATS reserves the right to use the MATS logo; third party applications may NOT display the MATS logo; the MATS Logo is an indicator only for official, agency-supplied materials; (5) third party applications should be presented as such; they should not be presented as being endorsed by, or affiliated with MATS.
Last Updated: 01/19/2024
The GTFS Feed is updated as transit data changes, or at a minimum is updated annually.